What Do Bees, Artists, and PR Have in Common?

What do bees, artists, and PR have in common?
Say "thank you, bees" and let this sink in...

Without bees, we would not have food, flowers, or coffee. (For a start.)  And, all of the species that rely upon everything the bees touch would rapidly become extinct. Including us.

In these uncommon and extraordinary times, we're creating something uncommon and extraordinary.

We're partnering with Ohio artists, beekeepers and a leading nonprofit to help save bees and pollinator habitat.

This is how we choose to celebrate our 15th year, and we invite you to join us. 

We'll be sharing stories, ideas, art, inspiration, and ways you can help.

We're going to have big conversations, learn from each other, and get busy. (And, buzzy.) 

Get ready to have some fun and make a difference. 

We'll unveil the details soon.

Till then, thank a bee today. 
You probably had some coffee.

Copyright 2020 : Tracy L. Teuscher, APR : The Buzz Maker®

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