5 Things I Wish Someone Would Have Told Me

Are you planning to start a business or nonprofit? Here are 5 things I wish someone would have told me before starting my business.

1. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. There’s no comfort zone in entrepreneurship. Develop adversity-resilience and decide that you will persevere. Entrepreneurial success depends upon the willingness to accept change, failure, and the unanticipated. 

2. Create your support team. Engage at least 5 talented people that care about you: A business advisor that will guide you and hold you accountable, a senior leader in your field that can advise you and keep you humble, a business attorney, a CPA, and a wealth advisor.

3. Know your value and establish boundaries. People with strong boundaries are more respected, live happier and more balanced lives, and earn more. No is a complete sentence. Become comfortable saying no to the wrong clients, people, and opportunities so you can say yes to the right ones.

4. Commit to selfcare. Selfcare is not selfishness. It’s necessary. This might include making time for rest, play, creativity, hobbies, interests, therapy, exercise, meditation, and doing absolutely nothing. And it’s vital to your well-being, creativity, and success.

5. Get a therapist. Grapple with your personal stories and lived experiences including trauma, because self-awareness is one of the keys to being a good leader. Becoming the best version of ourselves requires a lot of work, and it can’t be done in a vacuum.

And, if you need a trusted communication consultant, I welcome you to reach out to me personally.

Copyright 2021 : Tracy Teuscher, APR : The Buzz Maker®

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